Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October Challenge

I've mentioned my trainer before and how she tries to kill me, she would like that amended because she is not trying to kill me, just trying to make my fat cry (sweat = fat's tears).  She has challenged all her clients to participate in an October challenge removing all artificial sweeteners, limiting sugar in general and upping the protein intake and see where it gets us.

Overall Challenge Goals:

  • No artificial sweeteners at all
  • Minimal sugar intake
  • Minimal carb intake: Carbs either in morning or at lunch, not at dinner
  • High protein intake: 75-100g/day
  • 80oz water daily
  • 1 glass of preferably red, or white, wine if desired.  If possible avoid.
I've agreed to do this because she's very persuasive, I need a jump start to get back on tracking my food, and we all know I'm genetically pre-disposed to accept almost all challenges put my way.

I'm going to start tracking my food again in Fitbit and possibly take before and after pics, though need to find someone to do that.

Oy, dating without drinking...challenging indeed.

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