Sunday, April 26, 2015

I dislike that...

Continuing my early onstage grump rants it seems to me that there are a large number of people who are willfully ignorant of socially acceptable actions and unless they are shamed on social media there are no ramifications that matter.

Image result for facebook like vectorSo I've made a decision to attempt to communicate with those in public in a way that they may understand.  When someone does something inappropriate in public, such as run straight into me in the street because they couldn't be bothered to look up from their phone I will make eye contact and hold up a big thumbs down.  I dislike that.

Image result for facebook like vectorOn the flip side when someone does something that clearly shows they are invested in being part of society in a positive way such as offering up their seat on public transportation to someone who needs it more than they do they get a big thumbs up.  Liked!

I'll let you know how it goes.

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