Thursday, April 16, 2015

Grammar Matters!

"Let's eat Grandma!"
"Let's eat, Grandma!"
Commas save lives!!

As someone who dressed up as the grammar police for Halloween last year you can see why I might think this.  I work in communications professionally, and participate in online dating personally, I cannot stress enough the importance of grammar.  On OkCupid, I sometimes fight the urge to discriminate against someone who can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're" (can't tell the difference or can't be bothered to care) but then realize that while it may be over-educated snobbery it is something that I want.  Not to say that someone needs to have perfect grammar or spelling all the time but I need someone who cares enough to double check themselves and fix it. So, while I now accept that I am okay with not liking someone based on the grammar in their self-summary I have restrained myself from correcting their messages to me (which I count as a success).

On a professional level I'm much less forgiving.  Every program you use has a spell check tool, most have automatic flags for when something is potentially incorrect. It actually takes work to not correct your own writing! Why?!?

I do love scanning the Daily Infographics every once in while and this is one that covers all these rules so nicely (if you can't tell I feel like "silly" is a nice word for what these grammar goofs make you look like):


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