Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Too old for this...

Oh it's a sad day when you find yourself sitting through a night that is just exhausting you and all you are wondering is why you can't be curled up in your bed with a book and then that moment hits when you realize that you've had many nights just like this and you used to call it fun.  It's that moment when you realize how old you are.

Don't get me wrong, there are many many things about my early 20s that I have no desire to revisit, or frankly even work to remember.  However, when an evening with out of towners of dinner, some sight seeing and ending a Tuesday night at a, by all accounts, mellow dive bar in the mission knocks me on my ass the next day there is definitely that moment of mourning for the youthful exuberance I used to have for weekday drinking.

There were days I could power through nights out from Wednesday - Saturday and be fine with a couple advil and a kick-ass cup of coffee.  Those days are gone...

This morning, I woke up sure that I had multiple hours left to sleep (I must, I'm still so tired!), only to have the alarm go off at that moment. Get my self together (I think) quietly because aforementioned guests are all still soundly sleeping, and head out the door proud of myself for making it out even a bit early!  Only to find  just after the possibility of going back escapes that I have forgotten stuff for a meeting I have immediately following work...oy...but at least I'm on time.

Moral of the story?  I'm too old for this shit

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