Thursday, September 26, 2013

You complete me

Is it wrong that I feel a little more complete now that all my shows are back?

I'm going with no, not wrong. So right.

If you disagree, kindly keep your thoughts to your self. Thank you. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Just about three months in to the Reasoning Virgin Tour 2013 and I figured out the downside.  When you intellectually choose to not have sex - for what I still consider good reasons - your physical self may not always agree with you.

My physical self does not agree with me.  Downside.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Autumn Equinox

This is where I spent my weekend, with two great friends, celebrating the autumn equinox.  In usual fashion, I did not check the weather before heading up to the lake - why ruin the mystery? - and packed for the weather we've been experiencing here at home.  At home, not up in the Rockies, in late September...

Packed in my overnighter was one pair of jeans, shorts, flip flops, slip on sneakers, t-shirt/tank, two bathing suits, in case I swam so much I wanted to wear a different one, and on a whim a pair of sweat pants and a thermal shirt.  Thank god for that whim.

On our drive up there was pouring rain, and the occasional slush, and by the time we reached our friend's cabin it was 45 degrees out and my shorts seemed pretty laughable.  Lucky for us our friend was better prepared and had the fire above roaring to welcome us, as we bundled in what we had, borrowed socks, and pulled out our books and our (in my case) knitting.  It was an incredible way to celebrate the fall equinox, including a midnight stroll to the lake to see the harvest moon, with two important people in my life.

On a side note, inspired by a friend of mine who asked about knitting chevrons I embarked on an attempt to see if it would be something I could teach.  It's not too bad, but I'm still working out some kinks.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The gym flirt

As I continue on the RVT 2013 tour its important for me to remember all the great places for flirting.  I think one of the best places for flirting is the gym.

I've had lots of people look at me like I'm crazy, disagree, and try to argue with me about this but hear me out.

Depending on the gym you go to, there are tons and tons of men everywhere.  I just joined a new one and one of the locations is massive and full of pretty men each time I go - talk about motivation. So the odds are in your favor.

The argument most used is that we look gross at the gym all sweaty and strained.  Yup! And it is exactly because of this that the gym is an excellent place for flirting!  Now this is not because I'm one of those people who can workout in full makeup in cute matching outfits, not at all.

I am a pale Irish lass and after any amount of time working out I turn bright red, and I sweat, to call it rosy or a blush would be a gross understatement.  I'm lucky if my workout clothes are in generally the same color scheme.  Even better!

If with all these factors in play you find someone at the gym who returns a flirtation, or even starts one, take it and run! I can literally only go up from here.  Unless he has some weird sweat fetish, anywhere this flirtation takes us outside of the gym I'm going to look so much better than I did when it started.  It's an amazing way to set low expectations while still showing off that you workout and take care of yourself.  None of that worry of looking too great on a first date and never living up to it in the long term.  You can dress up to your normal and still impress.

Best case scenario!

Holy Zumba, Batman!

One of my projects for my 30th year was to go to two Zumba classes a week for at least a month and see how I felt - different, same?

I'm into my second week and so far so good, except, Zumba's hard.

The gym where one of my besties and I are going has a class that is later in the evening, good for us working folks, but it is intense!  Feels like it's at a level 13 on a 1- 10 scale for the whole hour.  There are so many people in there that they had to move it to the basketball court to accommodate.

This is not a bad thing though because there are no mirrors in the basketball court.  Because, while I feel like I'm getting a little bit better each time, the main thing that doing Zumba has taught me is that I'm incredibly uncoordinated and should not be watched while dancing.  Also, that it is possible to sweat so much that you fell like you accidentally fell in a pool somehow.

As felt by many others, I'm pretty sure that to the objective observer it is quite a bit like this:

I'll keep you posted!

Monday, September 16, 2013

How you know you're 30

How you know you're 30 at a "hip hop" concert... (beside the fact that I just felt the need to put hip hop in quotes)

The first thing you think and then ask out loud is "Where are the emergency exits?"

This past weekend TGT summoned all the power of our youth that remained inside us and took the last one of us to turn 30 on a birthday night to the Dirt Nasty concert.

This was a request and definitely satisfied her need to see him in person.

Who is Dirt Nasty you ask?  Well this is Dirt Nasty now

In The Life Of Dirt Nasty with ditlo

And some of his songs are hilarious, some so dirty you feel like apologizing to your mom.  For us children of the 90s it's because this is who Dirt Nasty used to be..

  Simon Rex - the adorable MTV vj from the mid-90s.

To be fair since purchasing these tickets, not one guy from the 90s remembers this guy but every girl I talk to absolutely remembers him.  He was adorable.  He's actually still pretty good looking now but that concert was not my scene...

We survived Dirt Nasty - maybe that should be a t-shirt.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

30 Projects in my 30th Year: Update

And a status update:

  1. Bedroom Makeover: At this point my bedroom still looks like a slightly grown up college dorm room, even though it is attached to a house I own! UPDATE:  I've been in touch with a local artist who works in reclaimed lumber and I'm commissioning a bed!  Going over to his studio this weekend to finalize the design details and then we're moving forward.  Thanks friends for this referral!
  2. Color in the Kitchen: The kitchen is full of beige, I am not a beige person! Or if I have become one I no longer want to be one!
  3. Build 4 x 4 workbench:  As seen at an artist studio at American Steel Studios
  4. Build nightstands
  5. Run a race
  6. Front yard makeover: Want to replace lawn with native plants and drought resistant plants, tired of seeing brown grass.
  7. Back yard makeover: Add fruit trees, cut out some lawn for "crops", create succulent planter
  8. Complete one new woodblock
  9. Take an art class
  10. Make a "pouf": Here's one project but maybe search because I know there were a couple that did it on the cheap using IKEA rugs I think. UPDATE:  I made an IKEA run and the rugs referenced in this pattern are no longer there, or weren't that day.  Thinking I can probably find a substitute though.
  11. Sew a complete item of clothing (more complicated than a skirt though) using a pattern
  12. Design and get a tattoo: TGT tattoo or other UPDATE:  I've pinned some ideas to the Pinterest Board and I'm trying to pin down the girls on when we might do this.  P.s. TGT is what we've named our friend group - yup, we named ourselves.
  13. Make Christmas presents for my neighbors: Starting pinning mason jar gifts.  Just a nice thought and I like the idea of remaining close with the neighborhood.
  14. Build and paint a bean bag toss game: A family friend requested this game and while I'm not totally convinced that my construction skills are up to it I found a youtube telling me how and pinned it. I'm going to take some time this weekend to go and get the supplies and give it a go. Note: As I'm writing this I realize I'm referencing a lot of pins so I created a Pinterest board for this blog in case anyone wants to see them all in one place.  UPDATE: I've made a shopping list and purchased some of the supplies for this.  Found the plans.  Then life got in the way, trying to make time for this again.
  15. Sew baby blanket:  My good friend just had a baby and I want to send her a homemade baby blanket and one of my onesies from my etsy shop RadBaby.  DONE! See the post about making the blanket.  I recently got a photo back from my friend with her one month old swaddled up in it - baby adorablness.
  16. Add a new item for sale to RadBaby: Speaking of, this shop needs some new energy in it and I think a new product.  I'm working right now to keep it active and may do a sale to clear out some stock and then work to figure out another item to put up for sale.  I've gotten the suggestion of button earrings which could be cute especially using scrap fabric from our aprons.  DONE!  See the post about the new earrings we added.
  17. Complete a Coursera course:  I have signed up for Dino 101 and Intro to Computational Design (starting today!).  However my real project is to actually complete a course.  I took two others previously that I really enjoyed but I let life get in the way and didn't complete them.  UPDATE: Haven't completed either course yet, but still on the right track and not too far behind in either of them. It's still early yet though.
  18. Create a housewarming gift for friends that are moving.
  19. Add shelves and/or decor to the bathroom.
  20. Go to Zumba classes 2 times a week for at least a month.
  21. ...
So, while I still haven't come up with 20 I am starting to truck along through some of the projects!  Feeling productive!

Project #16: Complete!

#16 - Add a new item for sale on RadBaby.

We added retro style fabric button earrings.  Right now we have 2 styles - yellow and a coral and white.  The latter matches one of our aprons if anyone wanted to buy them as a gift.

This addition was inspired by my friend and trainer - who is full of great ideas all while making me want to die (what more can you ask for in a trainer).

I love this style of earring, it has a pinup/rockabilly feel and can go casual or great with a slightly fancier feel.  Anyway feeling pretty pleased and mildly smug about our new additions!

Coral and white retro fabric earrings    Bumblebee yellow fabric button earrings

Wow...Just Wow...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Seriously Florida?

Florida is the most terrifying state!

There are many reasons for this, in my opinion, completely founded opinion.  Now sure there are places that people like, I'm sure Miami is as great as everyone says and the Keys sound like a gorgeous beach getaway without having to pull out your passport (which I actually love doing) and get travel shots.  But I haven't been to those places, I've been to Orlando and Fort Lauderdale, and driven through other parts.  Now while I didn't have anything horrible happen, the possibilities were there.

It seems like on a weekly basis there are news stories about crazy sh*t happening down there - ignoring completely their overarching political leanings.  Let's just go through a few shall we?

  • They are facing a "Burmese Python Invasion" - yes, termed an invasion, there are tens of thousands of these pythons in the wilds of Florida.  J.Lo. and Ice Cube only had to battle one in Anaconda and that was tough!
  • There is an epidemic of sinkholes.  It has even taken a part of the (second) happiest place on earth.
  • Alligators!  These are the closest living relative to dinosaurs and they often end up in backyard pools. I took a swamp boat tour and couldn't help but think how meaty and delicious I must have looked to them...seriously, I was already cooked in that heat!
  • I don't actually feel like I need to add more but I haven't even gotten to the people.  Now I know people are crazy everywhere (my hometown definitely not excluded) but BuzzFeed put up a list of 21 Reasons Florida is the Craziest State and some of these are amazing, some are just sad, but still.
Now this, a story on Jezebel this morning entitled "Of Course Florida is Teeming with Herpes-Infected Monkeys"  Seriously? Seriously, Florida?

I don't trust monkeys, they will rip your face off!  On all my travels to monkey ridden countries I generously offer to take the photos of the tourists naive enough to trust their "cute" faces - just so I don't have to get near them and because someone should be ready to run for help when the situation inevitably goes bad.

But now they're monkeys and they're spreading disease - this is too much!  Done. Please no one ask me to go to Florida.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Planned Parenthood

I'm a big supporter of Planned Parenthood in general and truly believe in all of the services they provide and here is just another one that reinforced my positive feelings.

Planned Parenthood has set up a page on their site to help everyone navigate the changes coming with Obamacare.  They are going to connect people to the exchange and help answer the questions that are hanging over that nebulous term Obamacare.

I know in my life personally I have people who are bitching and moaning that they haven't seen anything since it passed and it was a bunch of bullshit.  While I count myself very lucky and have employer coverage it is wonderful to see, what appears to be, a straightforward approach to implementation.

Impressive yet again Planned Parenthood!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


As a curly haired chick I am on the constant search for the perfect hair product or mix of hair products.  It feels like just as I find one that works it gets discontinued (suave hair cream I miss you every day).

I'm currently working with a non name brand I picked up in Nashville at a random beauty shop.  It works pretty well but not perfect.

Truthfully, my curls are at their happiest after a swim in some body of natural water, either the ocean or a lake.  I know you would think they wouldn't be the same but they both work.  My hair looks incredible on any beach vacation!

So scanning pinterest I found this and it might be worth a try.  I already have coconut oil as a body moisturizer, why not hair...

Gorgeous Wedding

I spent the weekend catching up with family, swimming in lakes, and celebrating the nuptials of my cousin. This wonderfully welcome break was in Sisters, OR and could not have been more gorgeous.  I've always somewhat envisioned a beach wedding, if not a backyard wedding, but this almost sold me on a setting in the mountains or woods.

This is where we were staying, an incredible lodge on an amazing lake.

Then the ceremony, at a different location, blew that out of the water!


It was such a wonderful setting for a wonderful couple.  Had a fabulous time with extended family and it made me, for just a minute, want to run away to the mountains and live, working on art, and ignoring city life.

I remember Alaska and I'm not sure I could do it long term but it is tempting...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A moment of silence please

The title may be a bit dramatic but I do feel like I'm mourning something just now.  I'm mourning a little bit of delusion that I've been holding onto now for many years.  It was a private go-to for when romantic prospects got really dim.  That "what if?" or "If only", which were all fine when I was sure that he was still single and most likely pining after me but not knowing how to tell me (see above, delusion).

Today when I got online I felt an impulse to do something that I haven't done for quite some time (my friends may not believe me but it's actually true) I online stalked by "locker love" from college.  That one guy that I've kept thinking about since then, that I used to constantly "check on" just to see what was going on in his life.   This morning however without thinking (he doesn't have Facebook so the standard go to is out) I typed his name and wedding - just a gut feeling.  I was right!

Tragedy!  I actually feel quite sad about this which is ridiculous because we have not been in contact directly for more than 5 years and it's normal that he would have a life.  Doesn't mean I have to like it. Also she has the same last name as me!  My Crazy Girl is screaming that the lines of fate got crossed and he married the wrong one!!

Oh well, I am not a masochist (most of the time) and now am having a moment of silence for my unrequited love of this man.  I don't want to search and find pictures of him happy with his new wife (of four days! did I mention they got married 4 days ago - I think I'm psychic for depressing things) so I will be letting that go.

Sad day...

Monday, September 2, 2013

One project down!

The baby blanket for my friend who is a brand new mom is complete!  So even though I don't have 30 projects listed I have started moving forward on completing a few.

I learned this process from one of my besties and while her talent and creativity at times are endless I do believe she looked it up. I did not take pictures of the process which I now realize that I should have - I'll get better at blogging about projects, I promise!

First step - supplies.  I picked two fabrics, one cute one that works for the mom and baby, you can go traditional blue or pink.  My dear friend is not one of the most traditional ladies so when I came across this adorable blue, yellow, and gray fabric with bird houses I grabbed it (even though she has a daughter, bucking gender norms left and right!).  Next you want the other side of the blanket, I went with a super soft gray minky which you can't help but continue to touch it's so amazingly soft!  I usually bind my blankets with a satin or flat binding.  There are definitely other ways to finish off your edges but I like the contrast it adds to the overall blanket.  I went with a wide satin navy binding that matched the blue in the birdhouse fabric and contrasted nicely with the gray.  Make sure you have a lot of quilting pins, they really are a lifesaver when it comes to keeping your fabric lined up for sewing.

I didn't measure and really just went off the dimensions of my fabrics but that is your call.  There are definitely specific crib blanket dimensions if you need that level of detail. Assuming you have relatively straight edges line up your fabrics back to back, both with the sides you want showing facing out.  Now start pinning!  Pin your edge and start working across the whole blanket, I usually start in a corner and work my way diagonally across the fabric.  This way you work out any spacing issues and don't end up with bunching.  My pins end up approx 4" apart from each other throughout but it's not exact..

Once you are all pinned it's time to sew.  Using my sewing machine I sew lines on the diagonal evenly spaced across the blanket.  What's wonderful about the minky fabric is it has dots in a grid which in effect create guidelines for very straight stitching across.  So if you're using minky I made a line every 3 dots, if not it's approximately every 3".  This can be adjusted to match your aesthetic. You may like wider spaced in between.  I only sew in one direction so my blanket has one directional diagonal lines across, however it would be easy at this point to go in the opposite direction and create a diamond pattern if you chose to.

Now you have your blanket but with unfinished edges.  This was the trickiest part for me and, I'll be honest, would still like to find a better way to do this but in the end it looked pretty good, hand-made, but pretty good.  I took the wide edge binding and as is put the blanket edge in up to the fold.  I pinned all sides and had the binding reach the edge on every corner so that each side overlapped with the next and covered both edges.  Then lining up the needle (on the middle setting) with the edge (inner edge, closest to middle of the blanket) sewed all sides.  I left the corners open so that I could work on the detail needed to make it look clean.

Suggestions having tried this and not being totally happy?  Maybe pin and sew one side at a time, leaving the corners free to be sewn at the end. Hand sew the corners for a more finished, purposeful look.

Iron and send off!  Here's the finished blanket folded and ready to go.  I'm also sending her two of my onesies, an octopus and a blowfish, from RadBaby and a card.

Babies are definitely a fun excuse to get your crafting on!