Monday, May 11, 2015

That time

That time that your 20 year old cousin makes you feel ancient at 31 with one question. 

"Do you (me and Conductor) have conversations on text? I just want to know if that's something I can still do at 30 or if you don't do that."


Train Update

I feel like we're at a junction (get it, eh?) and I know which track I hope things take but I'm not sure which way the conductor will take it.

Side note this whole endeavor is great if only for the train puns!

Conductor and I had date 2 and I would still count it as a success. These days I'm taking every success as it's own victory and no longer applying it to the bigger picture - everything feels a bit better when there are several little wins in opposition to a large, drawn-out loss or draw. So date 2 is another win.

This was more of a hang-out than a traditional date. Conductor grabbed some pizza and beer and came to my place to watch a movie. I took advantage of this scenario to finally get to watch The Shining.  I know it's rather offensive to some that I have not seen this movie prior to now but I can't watch scary movies alone (I get really scared!) and I have no friends who will watch scary movies with me so I have to take advantage of it when I can!

There was mild cuddling, which was nice and a full movie watch, and several promising signs for future possibilities.  We seemed comfortable with each other, attraction levels still high and those acted upon were quite fun.

As I said, I think that this could be something, possibly, maybe but it kind of depends on where we both choose to go from here. I am heading back east for my college reunion tomorrow (can't wait!) and will be gone for nearly a full week so I'm hoping it doesn't fizzle in that time - knowing that if it does it isn't meant to be and all that jazz but still.

More to come on the reunion and I will definitely keep you posted on whether or not Conductor and I stay on the right track (couldn't resist)!

Friday, May 8, 2015

All Aboard!

I went on a very pleasant, and dare I say it, successful first date last night, with a train conductor! (Who will clearly from this point forward be called the Train Conductor)
Train Conductor and I connected on Tinder - gasp! - and we went on an actual date, not a tawdry lust-filled emotionless hook-up.  Confusing right?

This one went the way I kind of feel like online dating is supposed to go, at least in my more practiced than I'd like to be opinion. We chatted for several days on Tinder, getting some of the more high-level pertinent details. It went long enough to test if either of us was interested enough to keep it going and it reached flirting levels that showed promise.

The date ask came from him (you'll note from my past posts this is kind of a rule I have) and was then quickly and easily decided.  Why is this so rare?  We went for sushi (his choice) and had a great time.  I kept it mostly wholesome in the end but left excited to see him again - again a rare feeling.

There are obviously lots of things to learn about each other and details to shake out but this thick chick is trying to temper her potential excitement about meeting someone who doesn't suck.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Spring Closet Clean Out

Those who know me will read this post's title and probably laugh out loud.  Cleaning is not a thing I do regularly or willingly.  However, with the rollercoaster of  year I've had, the idea of cleaning out my closet and getting rid of some old things to make way for the new and fresh was a bit more appealing.

I know they say you're supposed to sort through your closet and evaluate based on if you've worn the item in the last year whether or not to keep it.  Who are they kidding?? I have some staples that haven't steered me wrong and have been in my closet for years but come up to bat when they're needed.  I'm also the person who has a shirt (or something) in the bottom of the drawer with sentimental value that may never go in the donate pile.  Don't worry I don't let this get to a hoarding place but some "things" have more sentimental worth than I'm willing to part with and I'm okay with that.

Sidenote: I feel the need to apologize to my sister for this statement as she is striving at all times to be a true minimalist and probably just cringed involuntarily at the sentiment that I will keep a thing that serves no immediate function and be happy about it. Hope you love me anyway!

Back to the purge.  This was a good one.  I got through things that definitely made it through the last two times I went through - even a couple of the sentimental ones.  At 31, nearly 32, and after the year of changes and trauma I am truly grateful to be in a place of ready for change rather than a place where I want to just hold on to anything familiar and comfortable - a place I was not too long ago.

Looking forward and planning a trip to donate this piles!