Thursday, July 25, 2013

The wind blew it back

So remember the ex that was continuing to bring out Crazy Girl?  Yeah, that one.

Well on this recent road trip about love and living we were in Louisville overlooking the great muddy, murky Ohio River and D suggested we each spit out something we want to let go of, something we need to let go of, literally and metaphorically, into the river.

So I did, I contemplated it, I didn't feel ready to do it but know that I should and I did it.  It was a pretty good launch too but the wind blew it back and it ended up hitting the concrete river bank and not the water.  Assured by my ever loyal girlfriends that it would still work we went on our way...

I didn't really think about this again, but was generally doing better at letting it go, until yesterday.  I opened my email and got a fist in the gut because there is an email from said ex.  Air left my lungs in a gasp and I just stared and the unopened email for a few minutes.

The wind blew it back!

After avoiding opening it for an hour or so - isn't it nice when work distracts you - I finally bit the bullet.  It was a reply to a mass email I had sent to all the people I cared about in my life following the Boston bombing in April!  He replied to an email from fucking April! A mass email from April!  It was one line and a flirty signature.

Are you f**king kidding me fates?  I finally get the chutzpah to act like an adult and work to actually get out from under this and you blow it back!

Now what?

Monday, July 15, 2013

At least it's not St. Louis

Home after an amazing and enlightening week on the road with two fantastic ladies.  As I mentioned, I jumped into a 30 dates and 30 states road trip with two wonderful friends of mine for the last week, leading up to my 30th birthday.

In the six days that I was traveling with them we hit 4 different states, starting in Nashville and flying home from Chicago.  The south, as usual, did not disappoint and was an amazing host.

Being home is a bit of a let down because I'm back to where I was with limited dating opportunities and the state where I was losing a bit of hope.  However, I think after this trip I'm a bit more optimistic and definitely willing to be more proactive and if nothing else I learned that at least it's not St. Louis (oof, that was a rough stop for us).

Things I learned this week:
  • how to scuba dive in Kentucky
  • it's totally ok to consider making out with the 20 year old
  • dating is not that serious so just go for it
  • collect people
  • Nashville is a good time - all the time
  • OkCupid blows up in the South - unlike here at home.  Nothing boosts a girls ego like logging into OkCupid and having upwards of 90 visitors each time!
  • I can survive in heat
  • Nick the Chef in Louisville is beautiful (crush alert).  We went to an amazing restaurant, thanks to our foodie D, 610 Magnolia and the food literally blew my mind. We also had an incredible waiter, Chad!
Most of all, I think its time for me to be ok to focus on dating.  In the past it kind of felt like I was being superficial or not focusing on "important" things like education, work, friends - all of which I have in order - now its time to refocus.

There was talk of attempting to match the girls date for date as they continued along.  After I catch up on some sleep I may consider doing just that and see how it goes...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kentucky Divers


That's a thing. 

So I finally went on my first date as part of this road trip and it was scuba diving in Louisville, KY. 

It's now the morning after and we still can't laughing and being in awe of all that happened. I will post the link to the real blog post once it's up. 



This gets more amazing as the days go by!  Here is the full blog post by the lovely ladies whose road trip I joined -

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pale girl says what...


As I popped over to the CVS local to my office today to buy some much needed deodorant (don't judge me) I had to play do-si-do with a nice gentleman in the deodorant aisle.  After we ended our square dance he took out one ear bud and said "You have a very nice tan"


I've been called a lot of things over the years but never in my nearly 30 years as this pale Irish lass been described as "tan".  I know it was meant as a compliment and the intention was maybe a mild flirtation but the result on my end was utter confusion.  I said thank you and smiled and then walked one aisle over looking like a crazy person repeatedly asking myself (literally mouthing the words) tan? really tan?....tan?

My friends and I even decided that because I in fact never tan that we need to call the slight change in pale tone of my skin "You have some color" or "You got some sun" - do not specify what color, or what that means, mostly because it never means tan.

Anyway, amusing afternoon episode, and I assure you I am not tan.