Friday, June 6, 2014

Mild existential crisis thanks to Pandora

You know how when you're in a movie and the previews can really give you a tone of the movie you're about to watch.  This is what Pandora did to me today. 

Today at work I was listening to my Joni Mitchell station on Pandora, don't judge me, sometimes you're just in a folk music kind of space.  So with Pandora, every hour or so there's an ad, and today all the ads are about freezing my eggs so that I can make sure I'm still able to have kids later!


Either they think I’m a young, single, sad woman who needs this service now, or they’re torturing older women from the true era of Joni Mitchell and teasing them for not being able to have children now.  Either way there is a lot of stereotyping and assumption going on and I’m offended for the person that the marketing thinks I am...

Also, now I'm mad because I'm clearly susceptible to marketing and am concerned that I do in fact need to freeze my eggs now.

F**k you Pandora