Thursday, May 16, 2013

Worry worry worry

Do you ever go through those phases in your life where you just worry?

I don't know if it's because I'm aging or because I live alone or just because I'm paying attention but for the past few months and definitely in the last month I've been having pretty generalized anxiety.  Most of the time I worry about crime, which is not totally unjustified, as it is on the rise but I worry about it constantly and then when I don't worry about it I worry that I haven't worried about it, then I worry about my worrying.

I've been trying to pay attention to when it's happening.  It happens in those slow moments, the quiet moments when I'm not thinking about other things.  I keep doing everything I would normally but there are periods of the day when I have elevated heart rate, which I know is not great for me, and I worry.  A lot of the time I can talk myself down.  If I get burglarized  its just stuff and it's insured, and I agree with me but then I worry about my parents, who are also smart and take care of themselves - it's just a cycle.  I've also found that its more prevalent if something new or stressful is coming in my life.  For example, it has flared up a bit since my sister has returned and is planning to move in, which I think will be a good thing.

What I don't like is that this is apparently how my body/mind is now dealing with stress - to send me into panic mode - can't keep going this way.  So obviously I did some internet research, almost never a good idea when considering medical/health issues but still I did.  Closest thing I could find, if I qualify, would be generalized anxiety disorder, which is basically what I described.  I just can't let this take over my life.  I'm not sure what's changed to create this but it is definitely different and I may need help with it.

First I'm going to spend some time working on it, on myself.  I love my town, even though it definitely has some serious problems, and I need to find ways to remember that by spending time doing things again.  I listen to everyone and they don't seem to have changed their behavior or how they act and I know I've done what I can to be proactive, but still I worry.

So I'm going to look at meditation, journaling when these moments happen and if there is a trigger and also hope that with some of the "stressful" situations done, i.e. the wedding, and living with the sis, I can get back to feeling like myself.  I also need more sleep - may be time to impose an early bed time for myself...

Just wanted to share, this a new struggle for me and frankly unfamiliar ground because for my life up until now, as I remember it, I have been blessed to be fairly care free and happy, a place I want to get back to.  I will keep you updated and I am open to professional help if it gets there.

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