So remember the ex that was continuing to bring out Crazy Girl? Yeah, that one.
Well on this recent road trip about love and living we were in Louisville overlooking the great muddy, murky Ohio River and D suggested we each spit out something we want to let go of, something we need to let go of, literally and metaphorically, into the river.
So I did, I contemplated it, I didn't feel ready to do it but know that I should and I did it. It was a pretty good launch too but the wind blew it back and it ended up hitting the concrete river bank and not the water. Assured by my ever loyal girlfriends that it would still work we went on our way...
I didn't really think about this again, but was generally doing better at letting it go, until yesterday. I opened my email and got a fist in the gut because there is an email from said ex. Air left my lungs in a gasp and I just stared and the unopened email for a few minutes.
The wind blew it back!
After avoiding opening it for an hour or so - isn't it nice when work distracts you - I finally bit the bullet. It was a reply to a mass email I had sent to all the people I cared about in my life following the Boston bombing in April! He replied to an email from fucking April! A mass email from April! It was one line and a flirty signature.
Are you f**king kidding me fates? I finally get the chutzpah to act like an adult and work to actually get out from under this and you blow it back!
Now what?
Well on this recent road trip about love and living we were in Louisville overlooking the great muddy, murky Ohio River and D suggested we each spit out something we want to let go of, something we need to let go of, literally and metaphorically, into the river.
So I did, I contemplated it, I didn't feel ready to do it but know that I should and I did it. It was a pretty good launch too but the wind blew it back and it ended up hitting the concrete river bank and not the water. Assured by my ever loyal girlfriends that it would still work we went on our way...
I didn't really think about this again, but was generally doing better at letting it go, until yesterday. I opened my email and got a fist in the gut because there is an email from said ex. Air left my lungs in a gasp and I just stared and the unopened email for a few minutes.
The wind blew it back!
After avoiding opening it for an hour or so - isn't it nice when work distracts you - I finally bit the bullet. It was a reply to a mass email I had sent to all the people I cared about in my life following the Boston bombing in April! He replied to an email from fucking April! A mass email from April! It was one line and a flirty signature.
Are you f**king kidding me fates? I finally get the chutzpah to act like an adult and work to actually get out from under this and you blow it back!
Now what?