Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pale girl says what...


As I popped over to the CVS local to my office today to buy some much needed deodorant (don't judge me) I had to play do-si-do with a nice gentleman in the deodorant aisle.  After we ended our square dance he took out one ear bud and said "You have a very nice tan"


I've been called a lot of things over the years but never in my nearly 30 years as this pale Irish lass been described as "tan".  I know it was meant as a compliment and the intention was maybe a mild flirtation but the result on my end was utter confusion.  I said thank you and smiled and then walked one aisle over looking like a crazy person repeatedly asking myself (literally mouthing the words) tan? really tan?....tan?

My friends and I even decided that because I in fact never tan that we need to call the slight change in pale tone of my skin "You have some color" or "You got some sun" - do not specify what color, or what that means, mostly because it never means tan.

Anyway, amusing afternoon episode, and I assure you I am not tan.

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