Had quite a rollercoaster of a weekend emotionally folks.
On Sunday morning I really felt like the world was sending me this ecard but without any of the humor...
Flash back to Saturday night when I had a wonderful, hilarious night out with one of the besties and my sister, even if it shined a harsh light on the fact that all three of us (including my younger sister) are older than we realize most of the time. Quick note to all bouncers out there, it is in fact rude to smirk and laugh when a woman, not even 30 yet, hands you their ID at the door. At least fake it like you mean it. Just saying.
Home at the end of the night obviously includes Sports Guy texting. Now I was dd so please know that the incredible ineptitude that follows was done completely sober and unimpaired. The conversation was long back and forth but resulted in him coming over at 3am to my house. There had been discussion that this again would be a wholesome clothes on type of hangout, but really can you blame me that I kind of thought that was bs because you were coming to my house at 3am!!!
Turns out that was not a joint feeling. So in the morning I felt like the above ecard, and also quite angry. Like I'd spent hours in IKEA picked out the perfect entertainment center went to the warehouse, lugged the inevitably gimpy wheeled cart back to my too small car, got it in the house and unpacked the boxes only to fine that a critically important set of screws were missing and therefore I will not be entertained that evening!
Back to Sunday, all day spent lamenting my utter confusion toward the night and frankly the past month's events with my dear friend who deserves a medal for listening to me. I man up and do the adult thing by texting (I do realize that maybe a real adult would call but baby steps) essentially asking - wtf? More eloquently obviously. The answer?
He likes to wait to sleep with someone until he knows them better.
Some might think this was a very nice response that would assure me what a nice boy I had found, or that he really cared about people and himself and would make a good boyfriend in the future. Instead this caused a momentary feeling of utter confusion, then brought into sharp focus that it is very possible that I am a woman of questionable morals (at least as it relates to sex) and then working through the fact that I should like this and that I still don't really... I like it in theory, but then reality hits me like a ton of bricks considering he works like crazy and his "weekends" are Tues-Weds so the timeline for us "getting to know each other" is tortoise's timeline to say the least.
So end result?
Breaking the man fast, I will be jumping back into the online dating, not ending this but also not banking on its progression at a PACE that won't result in my losing all friends and acquaintances because of my frustration being taken out on all around me.
Ugh...this is where I'm at now