It has never been my strong suit. In fact those who know me would scoff because that description does not due my lack of this characteristic justice.
And yet, I now find myself in a very very frustrating waiting game with my current love interest,
Sports Guy. We have actually only seen each other twice and both times we were quite chaste and wholesome (frankly a new tack for me). It has now been almost a month since we've actually seen each other! This is for completely legitimate and extreme work reasons on his part - so I can't even be mad.
I know, I know you're sitting there thinking "crap, this Thick Chick is a crazy stalker" and while I will not outright deny all stalker tendencies in this situation it is simply not the case. In this situation we have been in contact, texting, nearly everday, with him initiating a lot of the more recent texting (see the post about man fasting). So what's the problem you ask?
Well, this is about to get personal, but Sports Guy and I have fallen into some quite detailed flirt texting and even dabbling in the all too hot topic of sexting. Now this is an excellent communication technique for the long distancers or as a build up to an exciting night, but over a month of build up is too much! There's only so much a girl can take!
But here's where I get confused. I would normally pop back onto the trusty, seedy world of online dating find another man to flirt with and go on my merry way. This time I don't want to do that - enter confusion - I am a master at remaining unattached and yet now with the man who I see only twice and don't even get to test the post-coital cuddling skills of I am attached to!?!?! The fates are truly unfair.
So I wait and remain patient. Due to the nature of his job there is a light at the end of the tunnel in about 2 more weeks. In the meantime I'm working on being zen about it and trying to find out on webmd if there is a female version of blue balls...
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