As you are all clearly aware, I have avoided checking in on this list for the last several months. While, I haven't done nothing, I havent' done a whole lot either. But, as Spring gathers speed on it's way to Summer and my 30th year gets ever closer to a close it's time to evaluate (and give you an update on the RVT2103 - to come soon). Ok, to the list:
- New Bed: DONE! I think that there can definitely be a follow-up project to add a few more items tot the decor of the room overall, including new bedding but the new bed is in and great!
- Color in the Kitchen: Truthfully, haven't even visited this one
- Build 4 x 4 workbench: As seen at an artist studio at American Steel Studios. DONE! I'm going to call this done, but amended. I recently created the top of a workshop table based on a Pinterest project I saw but using scraps I had in the workshop. Currently it is missing legs but it's resting on top of my sawhorses and maybe provides even more functionality than the original project.
- Build nightstands: DONE! Really happy with my suitcase nightstand and looking for a second suitcase to complete the set.
- Run a race. Hmm, didn't sign up for one. If I wanted to excuse myself I could talk about how I've run them in the past, and I've recently timed myself running (like a race against myself). So, done?
- Front yard makeover: Partially done/Postponed, my grass and other plants are doing really well. I added some more plants for pops of color and some along the side of the house. Happy for now with long term plan for xeriscaping.
- Back yard makeover: Partially done. I have moved several plants and created an all succulent planter. They are starting to bloom and I can't wait for it to fill in! I also planted two tomato plants, a tomatillo, zucchini and carrots. No new fruit trees yet but still on the list.
- Complete one new woodblock: Done, pictures to come. I'm not in love with it but I don't hate it, which is a start.
- Take an art class
- Make a "pouf": Here's one project but maybe search because I know there were a couple that did it on the cheap using IKEA rugs I think. Still have not attempted it yet, however.
- Sew a complete item of clothing (more complicated than a skirt though) using a pattern. DONE. I made a fairly hideous pair of kulots/gaucho pants for our Troop Beverly Hills Halloween costume this year. While it was not a true pattern, I did use a pair of pants I already have to create this pair and had to make some sizing adjustments and amendments as I went. Let's just say I'm not destined for Project Runway anytime soon.
- Design and get a tattoo
- Make Christmas presents for my neighbors: Done-ish, I did not make Christmas presents for my neighbors but I did make really adorable Christmas presents in mason drinking glasses for my coworkers, which I'm counting.
- Build and paint a bean bag toss game: Canceled, felt like too much time but have done some other wood working projects
- Sew baby blanket: DONE! See the post about making the blanket. I recently got a photo back from my friend with her one month old swaddled up in it - baby adorableness. I also have two more babies coming that need blankets, but not for this list!
- Add a new item for sale to RadBaby: DONE! See the post about the new earrings we added.
- Complete a Coursera course: DONE I completed all the lectures and assignments for Dino 101 - it was awesome. I have given up on the Intro to Computational Design. I enjoyed the first two modules, programming and photoshop, but the third is audio which does not interest me.
- Create a housewarming gift for friends that are moving. DONE! I created a great housewarming gift in a mason jar for my best friend's brother and his girlfriend. It took me forever to give to them but that is not part of this project so there.
- Add shelves and/or decor to the bathroom: DONE! This one was a project from Pinterest, and a rare situation where I actually like my version more than the Pin.
- Go to Zumba classes 2 times a week for at least a month. DONE! Successfully accomplished and still going. With the exception of some sick days we have been consistently going every week and plan to keep at it. It's a great break and separation from the day. Plus an amazing instructor, which makes all the difference.
- Attach a charging pad in the new nightstand so that phone can charge just sitting on the nightstand. Canceled, after researching the cost of a charging pad this really wasn't worth it. But it would be good to build something for my cords and charges to live in, other than the floor.
- Build an acoustic speaker for iphones. DONE! I actually built two, and gave one to Meg for her birthday. I'm using this idea as a prototype for the next Coursera class I'm taking (Design) and am hoping to refine the design even more.
- DIY Christmas decorations: Also from Pinterest, found these two projects and really enjoyed making and using them for decoration. The DIY garland and the "Christmas Trees"
- Rehab a Dresser: DONE! Ok, so this wasn't technically a project for me but it was a project, I definitely helped lead the charge so I feel totally ok with counting this as a completed project on my list.
- Fix headliner in Petunia: DONE! Not a total fix but makes me happier than it was and works with my budget.
- Rehab Armchair: DONE! Great find at Goodwill, now an even better fit in my house.
- Salon wall in bedroom: Been collecting frames as I go and the wall in my bedroom needs some love. Get them hung!
- Fix and paint/stain coffee table: The original project made in my workshop needs some TLC
- Plant Edibles: DONE! Mentioned earlier but I planted two cherry tomato plants, carrots, a tomatillo and a zucchini plant. I'll let you know what kind of harvest I get.
- Travel: DONE! My travel bestie and I are going to Ireland this summer. Details are coming together and ticket prices are being monitored. This trip will get in just under the wire and I can't wait!
Wow, I have to admit that in the beginning I did not necessarily expect to be able to come up with 30 projects. The list has definitely had some amendments and changes but overall it's pretty exciting to be able to see all that I've worked on for a year. The bold are projects still to finish but 6 our of 30 ain't bad.